Exercise and Rehab Programs in Victoria and Vancouver
At Scoliosis.Solutions, we create individual exercise and rehab programs in Victoria and Vancouver to match the person and the condition being treated.
Scoliosis and Posture Specific Exercises in Victoria and Vancouver
Everyone's posture and condition is unique. Cookie-cutter exercise programs simply do not work for complex spinal conditions, which is why we prescribe and deliver individualized rehab exercises. The international evidence-based treatment guidelines of the Society on Scoliosis Orthopedic Rehabilitative Treatment (SOSORT) and the Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) support the use of Physiologic Scoliosis-Specific Exercise (PSSE). Dr. Gage is certified in a number of these approaches, including:
- ScoliBalance: ScoliBalance is the newest evidence-based rehab system for Scoliosis, HyperKyphosis, and abnormal posture. It incorporates elements of all of the main PSSE Methods including Schroth, SEAS, Side-Shift, CBP Mirror-Image exercises, and others. It is easy to learn, highly effective and requires minimal space or equipment to perform at home.
- SEAS (Scientific Exercise Approach to Scoliosis) Exercises: SEAS exercises teach the patient how to perform "Active Self Correction" and maintain this improved, more balanced posture throughout the day. Active Self Correction is integrated into everyday activities for curve reduction, stabilization, and improved balance and cosmetics.

This is a picture of Dr. Gage (on the right) and Michele Romano (a Past-President of the SOSORT pictured on the left) at a SEAS training course in the USA.
- Power Schroth: The Schroth Best Practice system was designed to be an evolution of the original Schroth Method invented by Katharina Schroth. The Schroth Method is a proven treatment that is used world-wide as a treatment for scoliosis and other spinal deformities.
- CBP Mirror Image Exercises: A proven technique for postural and curvature-specific rehabilitation.
- ScoliRoll Orthotic Devices: The ScoliRoll orthotic is effective at improving the function and mobility of a scoliosis. The patented peak of the ScoliRoll devices can de-rotate and straighten a scoliosis by creating a specific bending point, allowing muscles and ligaments to stretch. Specific spinal stabilization exercises are performed while laying on the ScoliRoll, which helps to strengthen and stabilize the spine while in the corrected position.